Sunday, March 13, 2011


I want to learn to link up with some of the blogs that have Linky Parties. Just have to figure that out!
Simple Mom has a challenge going on called Project: Simplify.

There is a Closet Clean Out Party and I want to go! Tomorrow will be a new challenge and I am so late!!!

The dates are wrong on my pictures
  today is 3/13/2011. Guess I need to read my manual, I am having lots of
technical difficulties.
My spell check will not work!
Wow! I don't have a clue about how to link up with a before and after
but there is just one way to start,  just do it.

This pile of stuff needs a place to stay!

I don't wear the stripped shirt! So it will be the first to go!

Some of these items belong to my  husband. He will be glad for me  to work on this as long as I keep all his stuff! But, he thinks it is o.k., for him to get rid of mine! We have been married for 22 years(so, I am keeping him and his stuff)!

See that  lime green  niteshirt. Well, the only way we know it is there is that I held the camera up in the air. I cannot see that shelf. I am 5'2'' and shrinking.

That shelf has underwear and socks on it. My husband has been helping with the laundry! I work alot.
So, sometimes it is the only way it gets clean, I am grateful!

Wonder Woman is headed to the bed room now! To work on this mess! To clear the clutter and wash and fold clothes!
 I will edit this post later.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Today our priest talked about the viciousness in our world, retaliation for things that can sometimes, be trivial.
We seek vengeance instead of showing love and kindness. There are many things that I do not understand about people and their actions, but willfully setting out to destroy someone goes against my very being.
The Lord, reminds me every day to try to be kind, loving, supportive, understanding, hopefully and faithful.
Daily, I see so much hurt and dispair.
I want to be the voice, hands and feet of Jesus! To carry my light high and encourage others to do so.
Praying, today for peace and guidance to be an encourager to all!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


People have often commented about my eyes....they are big....they are pretty?....they are green....they are sparkly....they look like my mothers!  What I know about them is they are important!
They allow me to see God's beautiful world! I try to see everything and know that the Lord is in control.
Why would he want to be in control of the ugliness? the sadness? the down trodden? the unloved? the poor? the heavy laden?....
Because under all the ugly is just needs to be tended! We are placed here to love things, people, places, everything needs to be nurtured and cultivated and guided into full potential, in order to become beautiful.

Please help me today to see the beauty under the ugly, to know the potential, of each piece of earth, of each person, of each situation, to make it better for my having been there. With eyes wide open allow me to see the need and fill that need with love and understanding.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


The cottage with snow.....
I was really sick during the snow of 2011. Thought I would share the one from 2009. Isn't it lovely!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I have to go to court today for a child custody case.
I am not looking forward to it.....

I found this in a book I am reading.....

"For we all go through pain and sorrow, but the presence of God, like a warm and comforting blanket. can shield us and protect us and allow the deep inner joy to surface, even in the most devastating circumstances".
                                                                              Barbara Johnson
                           (as found in Essentials for Life for Women by Marcia Ford)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

plans....or where is my thingy

So, I had plans, plans to do a post when I arrived home last night. I grabbed my laptop, my camera, my diet coke(bad stuff, makes me feel good), pizza smells are coming up the stairs and I am ready to download pictures.
So where is my cord thingy(you know it hooks to your computer and your camera)? Not in my basket that my friend(assistant, sista girl, partner in crime) found for me. What is up withthat? Big hole in my basket. I go downstairs and get slippers, flashlight, car keys and head out into the cold, looking on the ground and praying,"Lord let it be here on the ground or in the car or on the bumper where I propped the basket when I was locking my car". Maybe it is on the floor where I set the basket when I took of my jacket. But, No!

O.K., I know I saw it in the basket when I was at work. So, just calm down and you will find it in the morning. Now, check out the rest of Edie, from Life in Grace's blog to know her and love her more.(Note to self : figure out how to do links to other peoples blogs so your peeps can love your blog peeps, too.)

I have lost my cord thingy before, so I know replacing it will not be easy. My camera is no good without it and now that I am on a roll learning new stuff and enjoying it as I go, I am aggravated, can you tell? ......More on this sometime soon(I hope).

Update: I found my cord thingy.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Happy Anniversary, Baby, got you on my mind!
January 15th, 1988.
Twenty three years! (I know this cause I looked it up.)
My Hunny, Big Guy, Mister Man, just some of the names...
I call the man who shares my life.
He lets me be me and I try to let him be him.
This is not easy....not messing with the personality of the one you love.
In a little while we will hit the road to see our children and grandchildren.
Before we make it to the next state, I will be asleep. Snoring! ...and he will let me!

Friday, January 14, 2011


After 4 snow days....I must spend a day getting back on track, before the weekend. The snow and ice will be a challenge since our ramp in the back of the building is very "wintery". People will be so glad to get out and have retail therapy, or bill therapy and probably food gathering therapy....then there is talking therapy and hugging therapy, you get it? No, I am not a therapist. But, we will open and people will come.............

There will be lots of busy work and loose ends to defray. The weekend is almost here! Bank, post office drug store, all those pre-trip errands to do. Finally Friday!
Birthday party for Isabella, tomorrow with the cousins! Hurrah!
Road trip!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Snow in the south has a way of slowing things down and making you think...

All over the country with the exception of our sunny state of Florida and those other tropical places that belong to us. Snow in every state?

People are trying to figure out how to entertain themselves or their children. Many are trying to figure out how to pay their bills with money they didn't make this week. We don't like sitting around waiting for things to happen we like making them happen.

This is a great time for me to be still or accomplish something at home. But, since I am feeling a little under the weather, I will just go back to sleep. Part of my plan to slow down.

Happy Birthday, Kacie!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


There has to be more to life than just being busy.... Doing the things that get the job done......

There has to be a connection and a meaning to the trivia.......Here I am redesigning my life and trying to include; more, but, by not

Today, I will, Live Attentively!

Happy Birthday! Wendy!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Precious Lord,
Help me to live each day with my eyes wide open, to miss nothing. To follow Your lead. To love your people.