So, I had plans, plans to do a post when I arrived home last night. I grabbed my laptop, my camera, my diet coke(bad stuff, makes me feel good), pizza smells are coming up the stairs and I am ready to download pictures.
So where is my cord thingy(you know it hooks to your computer and your camera)? Not in my basket that my friend(assistant, sista girl, partner in crime) found for me. What is up withthat? Big hole in my basket. I go downstairs and get slippers, flashlight, car keys and head out into the cold, looking on the ground and praying,"Lord let it be here on the ground or in the car or on the bumper where I propped the basket when I was locking my car". Maybe it is on the floor where I set the basket when I took of my jacket. But, No!
O.K., I know I saw it in the basket when I was at work. So, just calm down and you will find it in the morning. Now, check out the rest of Edie, from Life in Grace's blog to know her and love her more.(Note to self : figure out how to do links to other peoples blogs so your peeps can love your blog peeps, too.)
I have lost my cord thingy before, so I know replacing it will not be easy. My camera is no good without it and now that I am on a roll learning new stuff and enjoying it as I go, I am aggravated, can you tell? ......More on this sometime soon(I hope).
Update: I found my cord thingy.